Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New and interesting...well at least new

My dad was giving me grief that I hadn't posted for a while, but to be honest there hasn't been much going on until now so I figured why bore everyone? So I decided to wait until something interesting and/or unexpected happened....maybe I should have just posted about our boring life instead of waiting for something because we got it! We are headed to Laramie end of the summer so Casey can go to law school, which wasn't where I thought we would be headed at all! I thought Laramie was LONG gone, but it seems I was wrong! Though it is a shorter trip to see family than say Mississippi, so I can definitely be grateful for that because....the biggest unexpected of all, seriously I mean it, very unexpected.... We will be adding a mini Frome to our family this fall! So at least family will be close by when our numbers increase! Well, from our house to yours we hope all is well and this is the latest and greatest and I can't promise I will post again in the next little while... But who knows, stranger things have been know to happen!