Well, on other news, our basement room that Casey has been working on for the last little while is done! And not only that, but we are going to finish the rest of the basement apparently, so yesterday he started framing in a room downstairs...I'm telling you guys, when he says he wants to do something, he means business and usually starts it up that day! He moves quick! Below I have posted pictures for our friendly viewers out there!
Here is the view looking down our stairs, note the carpet...and I know you're thinking, "Wow, I wish I knew what company installed that carpet because they did an amazing job!" However, I am now going to amaze you all by telling you my amazing husband Casey installed all of the carpet downstairs!! Isn't he great?!
This is the wood Casey installed on our stairs, it looks even nicer in person! By the way, this would probably serve as our trophy room for our dump prizes...the wood just adds a sort of trophy feel for this room and it would only be fitting for all that good stuff to be in here...
Yes, the wood box is custom made too? :) I'm pretty sure Casey would build you one if you wanted....come to think of it, that wood might have come from a dump run....and for the main part of the room....
And for one last look at those stairs on my way back up with cooper curiously looking at me....
I will keep you all updated on that!
On other news, my brother Brady is now a DADDY! There little bundle of joy was born on Feb. 21! So I am now the proud aunt of yet a third nephew! Life is great! So if you by chance run into them, congratulations is in order!
Until next time, hope you all are having a great Saturday!