Monday, February 9, 2009

Wow C-Span!

So a sudden epiphany has hit me!....I need to get a hobby or something because at this moment in time I am listening to C-Span....after going to school and sitting for four hours straight!....WOW is what I say, who does this? I really need a hobby (I would say job because that would be more beneficial, however, due to current lack of motivation to get a job, and school which isn't as much an exciting thing...I choose to use hobby because that would be more exciting!!)....just for the record...I hate politics, but it is pretty funny to listen to how dumb some people are....New strategies they say...Right...I can't wait to see what happens next, in fact, I am on the edge of my chair waiting......


  1. Look at YOUR cute blog! I am also glad you have a blog...because this is definately how I put off doing my homework!

  2. I'm so happy you have a blog! I love listening to politics too. I didn't used to be that way, but with all the crazy stuff going on right now, it's quite exciting! :)

  3. I'm so glad you have a blog now!! Isn't it wonderful! Oh man, I love keeping in touch with everyone. So explain this house of yours...Did you guys build it or did a builder build it in a subdivision or what? And why wasn't there a basement? On the post with the house pictures it looks like you come in on the top floor and htere are windows and such on the bottom floor or is the basement underneath the bottom floor? Sorry, I'm a buit confused, but SO GLAD your a blogger now! If you want to email me the answers to my confusing questions, please, feel free...its
